Vice President of Tongji University Prof. WU Jiang was elected as the Board Chai...

UNEP in its role as a global leader in science-based environmental policy has constantly sought to promote environment for sustainable development, improve its interactions with universities, and develop new relationships as well. UNEP’s continuing successful engagement with universities, for example establishment of the Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability in African Universities (MESA) and the UNEP-Tongji Institute for Environment and Sustainable Development (IESD); and University Consortium in Asia and Pacific, gives it a comparative advantage in working with universities.


On Nov. 18-19, 2010, Global University Partnership on Environment and Sustainability (GUPES) has been newly founded by UNEP Headquarter in Nairobi, Kenya. Mr. Irahim Thiaw, Director of the Division of Environmental Policy Implementation (DEPI) of UNEP delivered the address in the opening ceremony. Mr. Mahesh Pradhan, Director of Environmental Education and Training, Division of Environmental Policy Implementation (DEPI) of UNEP, Prof. WANG Zhijia, Special Coordinator of Division of Regional Co-operation of UNEP, and 60 university professors from Africa, Europe, North America and South America, representing more than 90 universities, attended this conference. In the conference, the Board Representatives in each region have been selected, and Prof. WU Jiang, Vice President of Tongji University, Dean of UNEP-Tongji IESD has been elected as the Board Chair of GUPES.


GUPES, as a key means of implementation of UNEP Medium-term Strategy 2010 -2013, will further reinforce the innovative education on sustainable development, green campus construction, and response to climate change; and strengthen the cooperation of faculty training and students exchange among the universities.