This training program on higher education in sustainable development is supported by SIDA (Sweden International Development Cooperation Agency) and supervised by UNEP. It is implemented by the Swedish company Ramboll Natura AB and cooperated by Tongji University of China and Rhodes University of South Africa.
This program is now initiated with a meeting at Stockholm. On behalf of IESD, Prof. Dahe Jiang attended the meeting. The agenda of the program has been planned and participants have been selected. The 1st training will be held in Sweden in May. Then the second training will be held in October in South Africa for African participants, but in Tongji for Asian participants. In Asia, the participants are selected from China, Vietnam, Nepal, and Philippines. The program is featured in the requirement of completion of a “Change Project” of each participant, who must plan an activity directed to ESD in higher education. During the two sessions of training, all change projects will go through presentation and discussion. The resource persons and other participants will give advice and suggestions so that each participant will be able to complete his/her change project in one year. The project reports must be submitted and reviewed. Thereupon, participants will be awarded with the certificate.
This training program is an important activity of GUPES (Global University Partnership on Environment and Sustainability) established in November 2010 at UNEP headquarters.