IESD Representatives Attended ProSPER.Net Board Meeting and General Assembly

Following the Third ProSPER.NET General Assembly held in Tongji University, the Seventh ProSPER.NET Board Meeting and Fourth General Assembly took place at University of the Philippines in Manila from July 11th to 12th, 2011. Prof. WU Jiang, Vice President of Tongji University, Dean of IESD, Prof. LI Fengting, Vice Dean of IESD, and Prof. JIANG Dahe attended the meetings.

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ProSPER.Net refers to “Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research through Networking”, an initiative launched by United Nations University. Conceived and developed within the framework of a broader international agenda, ProSPER.NET aims at promoting higher education for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific region by organizing trans-university research projects, seminars and workshops.

Hokkaido University and Hosei University from Japan, Yongsei University from Korea, USM University from Malaysia, TERI University from India, RMIT University from Australia, and Asian Institute of Technology from Thailand, sent the representatives to join the meeting. Ministry of the Environment of Japan served as the financial sponsor, and also attended the meeting as observer.

Besides the regular topics, the reports of on-going and finished research projects have been delivered on the board meeting, including:

(1)     Course design of education for sustainable development of business school (AIT, Thailand);

(2)     Training for teachers and researchers on sustainable development education (UAM, Malaysia);

(3)     Public policy and sustainable development (TERI, India);

(4)     Substitute evaluation system of university (Hokkaido University, Japan);

(5)     Poverty alleviation and agriculture management

Moreover, a new research project named “Education design of engineering college and environmental science sustainable development” was reported by RMIT University, Australia.