On Oct 18, 2011, Prof. Victor Muhandiki from Environmental Studies School, Nagoya University, Japan visited IESD and delivered an interesting and beneficial lecture titled Integrated Lake Basin Management to IESD all students in Room 902, Zonghe Building.
In the lecture, he pointed out that lakes occupied 90% world liquid fresh water resources and have regulating, supporting and provisioning and cultural 3 ecosystem services. Based on the analysis of characteristics and management experiences of 28 typical lakes around the world, he concluded that lakes possess integrating nature, long retention time and complex response dynamics 3 key biophysical characteristics, and advanced the Integrated Lakes Basin Management (ILBM) framework that composed by 6 pillars: institutions, policies, technologies, information, participation, finance. Many students raised questions related to their own research and water condition in their own countries during the lecture. In addition, he introduced Nagoya University Global Environmental Leaders Program (NUGELP) to all students and expected every students apply for it.
Prof. Victor Muhandiki attained his Ph.D Degree of Engineering in Kyoto University, Japan, and currently he is a Professor at the Infrastructure Technology Development and Transfer Chair (NEXCO-Central), Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University. He has achieved great and published many papers and books accomplishments in the field of water resources management. Nagoya University Global Environmental Leaders Program (NUGELP) is established to develop environmental experts who are able to identify and analyze environmental problems from a global and holistic perspective, and propose practical measures to solve them in the world, focusing on Asia and Africa. The program offers both Master and Doctoral degree, and prefers to receive students from Asia and Africa.