SIDA-Ramboll to the fourth stage of the training project
-"Education for Sustainable Development"
Training in Asia held in IESD
The SIDA-Ramboll Training Programme in higher education in sustainable development is
supported by SIDA(Sweden International Development Cooperation Agent), implemented by
the swedish company Ramboll Nature AB and in cooperation with UNEP-Tongji Institute of
Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD), Shanghai, China,and Rhodes University,
South Africa.
The Programme is now under the 4th phase.The International Training Programme on
"Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Higher Education" has being held in IESD
from Oct.23th to Nov.4th. 24 trainees from education sectors of Nepal, Philippines,Vietnam
and China attended the programme and exchanged minds in the theme of workshop.
The program is featured in completing a "Change Project" of each participant; therefore,
the progress of "Change Project" will be updated, upon which the experts will give further
guidance and advice. The Programme invited Prof.Xu Jianmin from China Meteorological
Adminstration (CMA), Prof. WEI Dongying from Beijing Normal University, Prof. WU
Jiang, Vice President of Tongji University, Prof. LI Fengting, Vice Dean of IESD, Prof. Zhu
Dajian and Prof.Jiang Dahe to delivered the lectures. The Programme lasts for two weeks,
during which field trips to Fresh-Dreaming Garden, Suzhou Creek, Urban Planning Exhibiton
and Eco-chongming Island will be conducted.