On Dec. 16th, 2011, the 5th Bayer-Tongji Chair for Sustainable Development Steering Committee Meeting was successfully held in IESD. Mr. Johannes Dietsch, President of Bayer Group in Greater China, Prof. Jiang WU, Vice President of Tongji University, Dean of IESD, Prof. Fengting LI, Vice Dean of IESD and professors in charge of Bayer research projects attended the meeting.
Prof. WU on behalf of IESD and Tongji University extended his sincere thanks to Bayer’s consistent support generous guidance. Prof. LI delivered a brief annual report of Bayer-Tongji SD Chair in terms of research projects, chair professorship activities, scholarship and financial update in 2011. Mr. Johannes Dietsch highly appreciated the impressive report of Bayer-Tongji SD Chair and extended his gratitude to all the professors and staff involved. He also appraised on the IESD platform development, actively mobilizing the resources of ministries, UNEP and other related institutes and forming the trans-disciplinary research teams, which strengthen the capacity building of the Bayer-Tongji SD Chair.
In the panel discussion, both sides agree to reinforce the mutual communication between Bayer and Tongji by organizingthe workshops, seminars, etc. What’s more, the Steering Committee approves altogether four research projects in year 2012, with focusing on four sub-topics: green economy, sustainability-oriented university development, low carbon development and water resources management.