2012 International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability held in Tongji University

        The 2012 International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability has been held in Tongji University, Shanghai, from June 5 to 8, 2012, which majorly provides an open platform for college students on green issues. On the Opening Ceremony, nearly 400 young students from 42 countries gathered together to discuss the latest topics, innovative technologies and creative ideas on environment and sustainable development.


On the opening ceremony, Prof. WANG Guangtao, Chairman of Environment Protection and Resources Conservation Committee of National People’s Conference of China, Chairman of UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD), Prof. ZHOU Zuyi, leader of Tongji University and Ms. Elizabeth Mrema, Deputy Director of UNEP and DEPI, delivered their welcome remarks; Prof. MENG Wei, Director General of Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES),board member of UNEP-Tongji IESD, and Prof. PEI Gang, President of Tongji University, made their keynote speeches. Dr. Achim Steiner, Under-secretary-General of UN, Executive Director of UNEP and World Environment Day, and Elizabeth Thompson, Executive Coordinator of the Rio+20—UN Conference on Sustainable Development, sent video messages, extending their greetings and communicating with the participants.



In addition, the Chinese Version of UNEP Green Economy Report released , which is UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD) undertook the translation. Meanwhile, more than 50 university presidents and delegates of ‘Global University Partnership on Environment and Sustainability’ (GUPES) attended the opening ceremony.


       Besides, the awarding ceremony of 2012 Klaus Toepfer Environmental Scholarship is held on the opening ceremony. Ten outstanding students have honored to be awarded.


During the conference, participants will discuss the latest topics are including Water and Ecosystems, Green Economy and Youth Employment Opportunity, Green Economy and Design Driven Innovation, Future Cities Green Multi-Model Mobility, and Urban and Rural Integrated Development, join various activities, including keynote speeches, field visits, parallel group workshops and poster voting. The TOP best poster winners will be awarded. In addition, two of Tongji University students will attend the Rio+20 conference as observers. Lastly, PEI Gang, President of Tongji University, Prof. WU Jiang, Vice President of Tongji University will participate and deliver a booklet of 2012 SCES with posters, proposals, summaries, reports and other forms of research outcomes, which will be published and disseminated in Rio +20.