The UNEP-UEF Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements was Held at IESD


With joint efforts of UNEP, University of Eastern Finland, TongjiUniversity and Fudan University, and with the support of Hanns SeidelFoundation (HSF), the 12th UNEP-UEF Course on Multilateral EnvironmentalAgreements was successfully inaugurated on 5 November at the UNEP-TongjiInstitute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD). 23 participants from23 countries have participated in the programme this year.

Prof. Li Fengting, Deputy Dean of IESD deliveredthe welcome remarks, introduced the institute and shared Tongji’s great effortsin building itself into a sustainability-oriented university. IESD fellowprofessor Liao Zhengliang made a keynote lecture on Climate Change Negotiationin the Framework of South-South Cooperation Mechanism and shared his thoughtson developing country finance in a post-2020 global climate agreement. IESDsenior professor Jiang Dahe also delivered a lecture on Climate change andshort-lived climate pollutants. Dr Yulia Yamineva, Postdoctoral Researcher fromUEF Law School gave a keynote lecture on Short-lived climate pollutants-multilateralenvironmental agreements and other international initiatives. Participantsshowed great interested in courses, raised comments and questions and sharedthe experience in their own countries.

The participants also visited Tongji UniversityGreen Campus, Shanghai Energy Efficiency Center and Shanghai Energy andEnvironment Exchange (SEEE).