Prof. Ying Wang as the Research Fellow attend the Sixth Global Environment Outlo...

Prof. Ying Wang as the research fellow attend the GEO-6 first globalauthors meetings hold by UN Environment at European Space Research Institute(ESRIN) facilities from February 20 to February 24, 2017. Dr. Ying Wang wasselected as research scientist for UN Environment and nominated as the LeadingAuthor for GEO-6 in 2015, participating in the wiring and managing of GEO-6regional report for Asia and the Pacific. In 2017, she is selected as researchfellow for GEO-6 global report and will go through with the global reportwriting.


The meeting will cover a full 5 days, with opening ceremonies andauthor orientation on Day 1, interaction between the authors and the GlobalEnvironment Outlook advisory bodies on Day 2, and Days 3-5 will focus ondrafting of chapters in order to finalize the zero order draft of the first twochapters of the assessment by the end of the meeting.

The sixth edition of the Global Environment Outlook will feature aunique component where authors will address 10 cross-cutting issues1across 5 environmental themes (Air, Fresh water, Oceans/Marine, Land and Biota)in order to ensure coherent analysis of these issues across the environmentalthemes and create a direct link with the Sustainable Development Goals. Toprovide guidance and leadership, the assessment co-chairs and vice-chairs willcirculate amongst the drafting groups to observe and provide thoughts on theoverarching themes and focus areas of the assessment. Co-chairs and vice-chairswill be active participants in the discussions of the drafting teams, while theUN Environment Secretariat will provide administrative and technical support.Substantive support to the authors will be provided by UN Environment contentexperts.
