Tongji delegation attends the third United Nations Environment Assembly

    4 December 2017, Nairobi - the tird United Nations Environment Assembly(UNEA-3) was held and attended by environment minsters worldwide including Mr.Li Ganjie, Minster of Environment Protection of China. The topic of this year is "Towards a Pollution-free Planet", focusing on environmental pollution and aims to reaching several important agreements, appealing to take urgent actions in case of emergent challenges, in order to mitigate air, water, land and ocean pollution and manage chemicals and wastes safely.

    Onthe opening ceremony, thehead of UN Environment, Erik Solheim said, “Given the grim statistics on how weare poisoning ourselves and our planet, bold decisions from the UN EnvironmentAssembly are critical. That is as true for threats like pollution as it is forclimate change and the many other environmental threats we face.”



    TongjiUniversity participated as invited speaker, exhibitor, and student observers.During the assembly, the student delegation introduced the work on greencampus, environmental education and research, showcased the contribution andinfluence of Tongji University. UN Environment Executive Director Erik Solheimand Mr. Li Ganjie warmly greeted Tongji students and encouraged them to focuson international frontier in the field of environmental protectiontechnological development, deepen the understanding of global environmentalproblem with their professional expertise to make contribution on thesustainable development of society, environment and economy. 



    Thefive delegates are Cai Yiwei, Liao Jingsi, Huang Qianying, Zheng Lirong and ShiYu who come from the college of Environmental Science and Engineering andcollege of Transportation Engineering. TheUNEP-Tongji IESD was established in 2002 and has been in partnership withAfrica's environmental technology transfer project for 10 years. Through the platform of UNEP-TongjiIESD, Tongji has sent about 60 excellent interns and observers to theheadquarters of United Nations Environment Programme and of United NationsHuman Settlements Programme, UNEP Office for Asia and the Pacific, UNEP Officefor Africa, and major international conferences including climate changeconferences and UN Environmental Assembly.