January16, 2018, Abidjan – IESD delegation visited Mr. Dosso Moussa, ExecutiveDirector of African Development Bank (AFDB), and Mr. Jean-Michel Ossete, ActingCoordinator of Africa Water Facility (AWF).
Bothsides introduced their projects in Africa and discussed the potential areas forcooperation. Mr. Jean-Michel Ossete said, “China and Africa should shareexperience addressing challenges duringthe process of rapid urbanization, and cooperate in the field of environmentincluding water treatment, solid waste management and capacity building ”. Prof.Li Fengting, Executive Deputy Dean of IESD indicated that “Tongji University is willing to provide technical support inAfrican water treatment on the basis of years of cooperation and talentscultivation”.
Both parties agreed to establishstrategic partnership and start cooperation first in the following areas: capacitybuilding for water treatment technicians, pilot projects, knowledge managementand climate change. The memorandum of understanding will be signed in May 2018.
The following persons also attendedthe meeting:
Francis Daniel Bougaire, Chef desPolitiques et Stratégies
M. Jochen Rudolph, Chef Economiste,RWSSI
M. Kolade Olatifedi, Chargé de l’Administrationet des Finances
M. Jochen Rudolph, Specialist ofRural Water and Sanitation
M. Franz Hollhuber, Spécialiste eneau potable et assainissement
M. Ousseynou Guene, Spécialiste enassainissement
M. David Hebart, Spécialiste enchangement climatique
Dr. Wang Yin, Associate Professorof Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD)
Jessica-Qian Jia Project Manager ofInstitute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD)