The 2017-2019 International Master Program inEnvironmental Science and Engineering Graduation Ceremony held on Friday 5thJuly 2019. A total of 37 students from Algeria, China, Ethiopia, Guyana,Jordan, Kenya, Laos, Malawi, Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Russia, Rwanda, SierraLeonne, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Venezuela and Zimbabwe received theirdegrees in theMaster Programme in EnvironmentalManagement and Sustainable Development, offered by Tongji and sponsored bythe Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM) forinternational students
The ceremony was attendedby Mr. Ha Yu, Director of Planning and Bidding Office of Human ResourceDevelopment in the Ministry of Commerce of China who expressed hiscongratulations to students and explained the importance of the bridge whichhas been created between the participating countries and China through TongjiUniversity and the graduates.
Congratulatoryremarks were also given by Professor Li Fenting, Deputy Executive Dean of UNEnvironment-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development in theCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tongji University and byProfessor Chen Hongbin the representative of the mentors of the graduatingclass in and an outstanding professor in the College of Environmental Scienceand Engineering.
Ms. Fatima-Ezzahra Bennani from Morocco spoke onbehalf of the graduating class. Ms Bennani is an exceptional student thatexemplifies the strong work of Tongji University and IESD. During her tenure at IESD Ms. Bennani hasbeen involved in research on Boukhareb River in Fez, Morocco which address theissues of pollution in the river from domestic and industrial wastewaterdischarged by the city. She has studied the disciplines of architecture, civilengineering which combined with her most recent accomplishment of a Masters inEnvironmental Management and Sustainable Development provide her with theoptimal stepping stones to propel in her career in a direction that willsignificantly benefit her and her country positively. Apart from this Ms. Bennani is a dedicatedlanguage student and is fluent in several languages including, Mandarin,French, Arabic, Korean and English. She has made IESD proud and iscongratulated sincerely for her success.
IESDand Tongji University wishes all of the students of the 2017-2019 InternationalMaster Program in Environmental Science and Engineering graduating classsuccess in their future endeavors and vow to continue building on thepartnership they have created during this period.