Shanghaiis leading other provinces in China on curtailing unwarranted waste generatingactivities of the affluent. With its new policies on waste management that cameinto effect on July 1st, 2019 a new era of social environmentalawareness is swiping Shanghai and its citizens are open to change.
GuJianbin, market regulation department director at the Shanghai MunicipalAdministration of Culture and Tourism, which was responsible for drafting therules, said, "Contrary to the country's regulation on hotel ratings, whichspecifically lists what a hotel should offer in order to qualify for fivestars, this is the first time a regulation has been drawn up to state what ahotel should not provide, to protect the environment."
Chinapassed its first regulation on the qualifications and classifications neededfor hotel ratings in 1988 after opening up to the world and receiving anincreasing number of overseas tourists. The regulation has been updated andadjusted several times, the most recent being in 2011.
"Thenew rule is also about getting Shanghai, if not the country as a whole,connected and up to speed with the international situation, in which climatechange and ecological civilization are hot issues," Gu said.
JinYiying, a professor at Tsinghua University's Environment School in Beijing,said the regulation might have an impact beyond the number of guests staying atShanghai hotels every year. Jin added that "The new waste managementregulation in Shanghai has sparked heated discussions about how the city couldbecome a better place by segregating the 9 million tons of trash produced everyyear. This part of the regulation makes a contribution to the environment byreducing the amount of waste produced in the first place."
Speakingabout Shanghai's new regulation on waste management and provision of hotelamenities, Janice Lao, environmental scientist and development economist whograduated from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom and the current Directorof Group Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at Hong Kong and ShanghaiHotels, the parent company of luxury brand Peninsula, said: "Shanghai isso advanced. It's as if it has left other cosmopolitan cities behind. It alsosays a lot about China's ambition."
"Chinawill definitely lead the world on many environmental issues ... and it is stilla major supplier to the world economy. So you can imagine its power to movemarkets and change behavior when the country decides to go green."
Adaptedfrom “Luxury hotels haltprovision of six items for the bathroom” ByXu Junqian in Shanghai | China Daily | Updated: 2019-07-02 13:12
TongjiUniversity ranks A+ in the discipline of Environment according to the recentevaluation by the Chinese Ministry of Education as well as A+ in UrbanPlanning. In accordance with the goalsof the Shanghai Municipality in waste management and segregation, TongjiUniversity has revamped its garbage collection methods and converted itsgarbage collection locations into sorting bins which will allow garbagedisposers to segregate trash upon disposal.
Newbins can be seen around the campus grounds particularly in high wastecollection areas such as near the post office as well as on each floor of thedormitories which are clearly labelled to show which types of refuse should becollected in each bin.
TongjiUniversity is a model institution in solid and water waste treatment anddisposal and continues to act as a working example to other institutions aroundthe world.
Toread more on the new rules implemented in Shanghai to curb the generation ofwaste in the hospitality sector visit:
Selection Criteria:
Participants willbe selected on the basis of their completed applications, according to thefollowing criteria:
a) Anadvanced understanding of sustainability and its relevance for their researchand/or work;
b) Demonstratedleadership ability to work in a team environment and contribute to sustainabledevelopment activities;
c) Highlevel of understanding of written and spoken English.
d) Mid-to-seniorgovernment and institutional policy makers, non-governmental organizationmanagers and leaders, business professionals, entrepreneurs and experiencedjournalists are preferred.
e) Minimumwork experience of 5 years is preferred.
Applications areopen for those affiliated with government agencies, internationalorganizations, NGOs as well as the private sector from across the Asia-Pacificregion. Applicants should possess with demonstrated leadership potential, andprior experience on sustainability and/or development issues.
a) Completed ApplicationForm: Application Form - 2019 APLP
b) Updated Résumé/CurriculumVitae: highlighting theeducational qualifications, English language capacity and work experience,especially in the field of environment and sustainable development.
c) Letter ofRecommendation: One Letter of Recommendation from either anacademic or a professional referee who can testify the applicant’s strength sandexperiences, relevant to sustainable development.
Applicants fromdeveloping countries in need of financial support should provide specific justificationsfor full or partial financial support. Fellowship support will be based onthe completed application form and supplementary materials submitted.
| Early Bird - before 22 July 2019 (USD) | After 22 July 2019 (USD) |
Corporate | $ 1,200 | $1,400 |
Gov/ Academic/ APLP Alumni | $1,000 | $1,200 |
Non-profit | $800 | $1,000 |
Note: Accommodation can be assisted by the organizing committee at participant's own cost. |
Deadline: The completeapplication should be completed and emailed as an attachment to by 15 August 2019.
Ms. WANG Weilin,Programme Coordinator of IESD
UN Environment-TongjiInstitute of Environment for Sustainable Development
Office: +86-21-6598 7790 Fax: +86-21-6598 7790
Address:Rm903,Zonghe Building, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, 200092,China