Consultancy Announcement UNEP/UNESCO YouthXchange Initiative: Green Skills and L...
The United Nations Environment Progrmame's Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (UNEP DTIE) is seeking a consultant to author a youth oriented publication on green skills and lifestyles. This guidebook, which supports the YouthXchange Initiative, which was created by UNEP and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2001 to promote sustainable lifestyles among young people (15-24 year olds) through education, awareness raising and capacity building, is aimed at young people and people working with young people including educators and trainers, youth leaders and non-governmental organizations.

The guidebook  (about 30 pages; 12,000 - 15,000 words) will connect the discussions and issues of green economy, green jobs, green skills and green societies to young people’s everyday lifestyle choices. It will seek to empower young people to critically engage with the complexity of sustainability issues, to form their own opinions, and to determine their own lifestyle responses and their own career choices.  It will also include facts and figures, relevant case studies, tips and activities relevant to the green economy and green skills. The final draft report  is to be submitted by 25 May 2012, to be printed in time for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, taking place in Rio de Janeiro, 20-22 June 2012, where it will be launched.

Please find attached the concept note related to this publication and the proposed terms of reference for this assignment. The person interested in this consultancy is kindly requested to send 1) a complete UN Personal History Form (P11),  2) a cover letter (max. 1 page) stating why he/she would be a suitable candidate for this consultancy, 3) an electronic sample  of a publication of which he/she has been the main author, and 4) the proposed rate.

Documents should be sent to Ms. Khairoon Abbas ( with copy to Ms. Marie-Christine Guedon ( no later than 12 March 2012, 9 am Paris time. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed by phone by the following week.

 2012-03-05 UNEP UNESCO YouthXchange Green Skills and Lifestyles Guidebook - Concept Note

 UN P11 form

 2012-03-05 Terms of Reference for YouthXchange - green skills and lifestyles guidebook