The Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme on Environment for Sustainable Development is an annual flagship programme co-hosted by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Tongji University, aiming to build capacity for emerging leaders from the Asia Pacific region on holistic sustainability thinking and evidence based approaches for effective action. The Leadership Programme is organized by the Institute of Environment for Sustainabile Development (IESD) at Tongji University, in support of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, 2005-14, and closely linked with the training pillar of the Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability (GUPES). The theme of this year is Eco-systems Management and Sustainable Development. The programme will be held from September 22nd to 26th in Shanghai, China.
Aims: The Leadership Programme will provide participants from the Asia Pacific region an opportunity to:
a)Improve all-round thinking and decision-making abilities of emerging leaders, representing governmental organizations, international organizations, NGOs and the private sector, etc.;
b)Understand and balance three key dimensions – human, environmental and social/economic – in promoting sustainable development;
c)Set up a platform for emerging leaders in the Asia-Pacific region to communicate and network amongst each other while working together to address complex practical sustainable development challenges.
Selection Criteria: Participants will be selected on the basis of their completed applications, according to the following criteria:
a)An advanced understanding of sustainability and its relevance for their research and/or work;
b)Demonstrated leadership ability to work in a team environment and contribute to sustainable development activities;
c)High level of understanding of written and spoken English.
Applications: Applications are open for those affiliated with government agencies, international organizations, NGOs as well as the private sector from across the Asia-Pacific region. Applicants should be below 35 years of age, with demonstrated leadership potential, and prior experience on sustainability and/or development issues.
Application Materials: In addition to the completed application form, the following supplementary documents should be submitted:
a)Résumé/Curriculum Vitae: This should include basic information on educational qualifications and work experience, including complete contact information and updated photograph, as requested in the attached application form;
b)Letter of Recommendation: One Letter of Recommendation from either an academic or professional referee who can testify the applicant’s strengths and experiences, relevant to environmental and sustainable development.
For those applying for 2014 Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme Fellowship: Due to limited scholarship, applicants from developing countries in need of financial support should provide specific justifications for full or partial financial support. Fellowship covers return economy class air fares, accommodation and subsistence costs. A registration fee of $1,000 is suggested for participants from developed countries, which will cover tuition, course materials, accommodation and meals for the duration of the Leadership Programme. Selection of participants for Fellowship will be based on the completed application form and supplementary materials submitted to us.
The attached application form should be completed and emailed as an attachment, together with an updated CV, a recommendation letter to by 30 June, 2014.
APLP Secretariat
UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development Office: +86-21-6598 3498 Fax: +86-21-6598 7790
Address: Rm903, Zonghe Building, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, 200092