The Global Association of Master's in DevelopmentPractice Programs (MDP), in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN),will hold the Second Annual International Conference on Sustainable DevelopmentPractice (ICSDP) on September 17-18, 2014 at Columbia University, NewYork.
TheConference theme, Advancing Evidence-Based Solutions for the Post-2015Sustainable Development Agenda, seeks proposals for practical solutions toaddress the complex challenges of sustainable development at local, regional,and global levels. Plenary and panel presentations will range across 12thematic areas, linking with the SDSN framework (please see below for furtherinformation on the 12 themes). We seek participation from those involved inresearch, policy, practice, and business across international sustainable developmentsectors. The aim of the conference is to share and identify practical,evidence-based solutions, that can support the SDSN leadership in shaping thePost-2015 Agenda. With over 130 presentations, ICSDP hopes tomobilize the expertise of the scientific and technical communities in academia,civil society and the private sector.
12ICSDP Themes
AdvancingSolutions provides a forum to discuss the many ways that organizations andpeople are leading the way in advancing sustainable development solutions invarious disciplinary areas and sectors:
1. Macroeconomics,Population Dynamics, and Planetary Boundaries 2. Poverty Reduction andPeace-Building in Fragile Regions 3. Challenges of Social Inclusion:Gender, Inequalities, and Human Rights 4. Early Childhood Development,Education, and Transition to Work 5. Health for All 6. Low-CarbonEnergy and Sustainable Industry 7. Sustainable Agriculture and FoodSystems 8. Forests, Oceans, Biodiversity, and EcosystemServices 9. Sustainable Cities: Inclusive, Resilient, andConnected 10. Good Governance of Extractive and LandResources 11. Global Governance and Norms for Sustainable Development
12. Redefining the Roleof Business for Sustainable Development
Students fromTongji University who are interested and qualified will be recommended toparticipate in the conference.
ApplicationDeadline is July 2, 2014. Please send your CV to for the application.
For further information, Please contact:
ProjectManager: Qing XIA