Our common centralized sewer and wastewater treatment systems are so called end-of pipe systems with the objective to prevent the environment from negative impacts. But by the operation of these systems valuable resources like organic compounds (renewable energy) as well as fertilizing nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus are eliminated while the treatment plants are consuming high amounts of resources and energy for their construction and operation.
New alternative sanitation systems (NASS) aim to recover the valuable wastewater compounds in order to reuse them for the setup of new production processes like energy production and agricultural production in order to create new value-added chains. The technical portfolio of NASS shows a high variety for the different system components (e.g. toilet systems for the collection of different partial streams, new storage and/or transportation systems for the different mass flows as well as adapted technologies for the treatment of the partial streams and recovery of the valuable compounds) which leads to a high variety in the resulting NASS-systems as well.
The seminar therefore intends primarily to provide an overview of the most important key factors of new alternative sanitation systems regarding technical, economical as well as social aspects. Furthermore a deeper understanding of new alternative sanitation systems and their interactions with all different levels of society and technical applicability shall be communicated by the interactive form of the seminar.
The summer school consists of an introductory session with key note lectures, three main lecture parts, an interactive teamwork and an excursion to a NASS pilot-project site. In connection with the summer school the participants will take part in the DWA-seminar on Water Reuse and the International Symposium Re-Water. Furthermore, participants are asked to submit papers for oral presentations in the specific field of NASS.
The entire summer school spans over two weeks from the arrival on Sunday, 27th of October 2013 until the departure on Friday, 8th of November 2013.