General Information:
The paper should have a format of scientific paper / abstract , introduction ,objective , methodology , results , discussion and conclusions/ and not longer than 10 pagers .Full personal address /full title ,Name, Organization , P.O.BOX ,E-mail , Tel ,etc
Theme 1: Hydrology and Integrated Water Resources Management
Theme 2: Renewable Energy
Theme 3: Irrigation and Drainage
Theme 4: Water Supply and Sanitation
Theme 5: Emerging Challenges
Submission Deadline for the papers: May 17, 2013
Announcement of accepted paper is June 7, 2013.
Limited funds are available for the accepted papers.
Please contact the organizing committee if you need full or partial financial support.
Note: Accepted and presented papers will be published as a special issue of water journals.
Contract persons:
Dr.Fantahun W/senbet : fanbahun.woldsenbet
Dr.Mekonnen Ayanna:
Ato Biruk Gisila : baraki.boy
Ato Tamiru Tesseme :
The 13th Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources Development