Call for Youth Participants: YUVA Meet 2014 and RCE Youth Session, 3-5 February ...

On behalf of the Global RCE Service Centre and RCE Delhi, we are pleased to inform you that their annual youth initiative ‘Youth Unite for Voluntary Action 2014’ (YUVA Meet 2014) will be held from 3-4 February 2014 in Delhi, India as part of Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS: YUVA Meet aims at enabling youth to voice their opinions on a variety of sustainability issues and this year’s YUVA Meet will focus on the theme of “Innovation for a Sustainable Future – Transforming Learning into Action”.

Taking this opportunity, UNU-IAS will be organizing RCE Youth Session on 5 February 2014 in conjunction with YUVA Meet. We hope that this will give us an opportunity to follow up on some action points that were discussed during the thematic session on Youth during the Global RCE Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

We are also pleased to announce that the Global RCE Service Centre will provide some travel support to a limited number of youth representatives who are actively involved with the RCE activities and willing to share their experiences on this occasion. The selection will be made based on certain criteria including their level of engagement with the RCEs, quality of the applications as well as the geographical balance of the participants. We also encourage self-funded participants and RCE Delhi is willing to provide free accommodations during the meeting. For more details, please refer to the attached documents.

If you are interested in participating in the events, please fill out (i) application form (to be filled out by applicant); (ii) registration form (to be filled out by RCE/affiliated institution); and (iii) travel support request form (if you would like to apply for financial support from UNU-IAS) and send them to the Global RCE Service Centre ( and RCE Delhi (Ms. Ragini Kumar: and Mr. VK Saju: All the documents must be submitted no later than 30 December 2013. Please note that applications without sufficient information and/or late submission will not be considered for financial support.

The selection of the UNU-IAS funded participants will be made in the beginning of January 2014 and the result will be informed the applications during the second week of January 2014.

We look forward to your active participation!



