Time: 2014.11.11 15:30-17:00
Venue: Room 902, Zonghe Building, Tongji University
Topic: Market assessment of Sustainable Buildings
Ben Elder will present the issues that underpin the release of the RICS Guidance on Sustainability and Commercial Property Valuation. The presentation will examine the following issues: Sustainability encompasses a wide range of physical, social, environmental and economic factors that can impact on value and of which valuers should be aware.
About the Speaker: Mr Ben Elder, Global Director of Valuation, RICS
Ben is the Global Director of Valuation at RICS. He is responsible for the delivery of RICS Global Valuation Strategy which plays a key role in securing global financial stability through RICS participation in the development and application of International Valuation Standards.
About RICS:
RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) is an international professional body with over 100,000 members. We represent everything professional and ethical in land, property and construction.
We regulate and promote the profession; maintain the highest educational and professional standards; protect clients and consumers via a strict code of ethics; and provide impartial advice and guidance.