On behalf ofthe International Student Energy Summit (ISES) to inform you about our globalstudent forum focused on energy, environment and sustainability development,the ISES 2015. The conference will be taking place in Bali from 10th -13th ofJune 2015. Together with this email, we would also like to inform youabout 4 (four) bursary offers for your students to attend the conference thisJune.
This bursarycovers your student's full participation fee that includes:
· Access toall plenary and break-out sessions hosted by world energy experts and leaders
· All mealsfor the duration of the event
· Accommodation for 3 nights (June 10, 11, 12)
· Access tonetworking and social events
· Transportation between hotels and conference venues
· Conference kit and Guidebook for Delegates
Please notethat you need to delegate four of your university students to be eligible inobtaining these 4 (four) bursary offers before May 22, 2015. You cansend me the email information about four of your students, stating your briefrecommendation of them to attend the Summit and why they deserve thescholarship. After that, the committee will be in touch further with yourstudents to coordinate the attendance to the Summit. It is unfortunate that weare not able to provide the grant for any travel arrangement so your studentsshould arrange their itinerary by them selves.
Further to theSummit explanation, International Student Energy Summit (ISES) is a globalyouth-driven event that occurs every two years and brings students from allover the world together to talk sustainable resource management and youth’srole in defining the future of energy. ISES is Student Energy’s pinnacle eventand targets international, multidisciplinary post secondary students inundergraduate and graduate studies interested in energy. Student Energy is aglobal Calgary-based non-profit that is creating a movement of young leaderscommitted to transitioning the world to a sustainable energy future (www.studentenergy.org).The ISES program focuses on three main pillars that address today's key energyand environmental issues:
a. Markets & Regulation
b. Global Energy Dynamics
c. Technology & Innovation
Thisinternationally recognized event has brought the high level speakers in theprevious summits, such as Vicente Fox (Former President of Mexico), RajendraPachauri (Nobel laureate and Chair of the IPCC), Connie Hedegaard (EUCommissioner for Climate Action) and many more. The summit has also gained therecognition from the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, at ISES 2013. The 2015event in Bali is set to bring together 800 top international students,undergraduate and post graduates, passionate about energy and environment todiscuss the world’s energy challenges and opportunities.
Building on a6-year history, the conference is built specifically for students and isdiverse in format, including:
· Keynotes fromleading experts and thought leaders
· Panel sessionsdesigned to encourage productive and provocative debate
· Specializedbreakout sessions to strengthen knowledge
· Interactive programelements to give students hands on experience
· Social events thatcapture the essence of our host location – Bali, Indonesia
Again, weencourage you to nominate your best students to take these 4 (four) bursary offers to attend this important event. Visit www.ises2015.com tofind out more about the initiative. Specifically, you can find furtherinformation regarding the summit registration here: http://ises2015.com/attend
Please submitthe documents below to the email unep_tongji@tongji.edu.cn before 20 May.
1 CV inEnglish;
2 Recommendationfor yourself to attend this event
International Student Energy Summit 2015 Info Package
About Student Energy