Apply for World Student Environmental Summit 2016

Date of the Summit: 25-29 July

Venue: Keele University, the University of Sussex, the United Kingdom

Initial registration at IESD by sending emails before 18 May


* email  should be titled “name+college+project name”, and you need to make a brief introduction of the relevant projects that you are involved in.


Planet Earth and its inhabitants are now facing environmental degradation, climate change, and growing inequalities on a global scale. Addressing these issues is vital and the approaches to do so are manifold. These complex challenges are intertwined in multiple political, economic and social structures and therefore need solutions that account for this entanglement. At the summit, students will come from all around the globe to learn from each other in order to drive forward change at their own universities and communities. This year we hope to engage approximately 130 delegates from over 70 universities globally.


There will be a mixture of keynote speeches, workshops, field trips and discussion, and training for action (campaigning, reporting etc). Every student will have to resent a project they are involved in or an environmental topic important in their country.


Additionally, there will be a dedicated time for them to work on something to implement in their university after the conference.


Please note the following regarding the delegates participation in the summit:

Ø  All delegate expenses during the fi ve day summit will be covered by the WSEN

Ø  Delegates’ travel expenses (to and from the UK) and visa will be covered by their respective universities

Ø  In participating, your institution is ensuring that results and ideas obtained from the conference will be shared with staff and students, thereby benefitting Tongji University and your wider community.



If you are interested in this forum, please send email titled “name+college+project name”, and give a brief introduction of the relevant projects that you are involved in.


Contact: 65986949, Ms. Wang Zidi