Open call and application guidelines for 2016 Asia-PacificLeadership Programme (...

TheAsia-Pacific Leadership Programme on Environment for Sustainable Development isan annual flagship programme co-hosted by United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) and Tongji University, aiming to build capacity for emerging leadersfrom the Asia Pacific region on holistic sustainability thinking and evidencebased approaches for effective action. The Leadership Programme is organized bythe Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD) at TongjiUniversity, in support of the UN Decade of Education for SustainableDevelopment, 2005-14, and closely linked with the training pillar of the GlobalUniversities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability (GUPES) and the Goal4 of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda – Ensure inclusiveand equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunity forall.

It isdesigned as a collaborative effort between Regional University Consortium (RUC)members, including University of New South Wales, Griffith University andWollongong University from Australia, School of Forestry and EnvironmentalStudies of Yale University in the USA, United Nations University and AsiaInstitute of Technology in Thailand, Nanyang Technological University inSingapore, and with Tongji University taking the lead.

Since2004, 336 emerging leaders from 42 countries and organizations have benefitedfrom this annual leadership program at IESD, of which more than 30 countriesare from the Asia-Pacific. The leadership program has also attractedparticipants from North America, Africa, Europe, who are keen to learn moreabout the dynamic Asia Pacific region.




Aims:The Leadership Programme will provide participants from the Asia Pacific regionan opportunity to:

a)Improve all-round thinking and decision-making abilities of emerging leaders, representinggovernmental organizations, international organizations, NGOs and the privatesector, etc.;

b)Understand and balance three key dimensions – human, environmental and social/economic– in promoting sustainable development;

c) Setup a platform for emerging leaders in the Asia-Pacific region to communicateand networkamongst each other while working together to address complex practicalsustainable development challenges.

SelectionCriteria: Participants will be selected on the basis of their completedapplications, according to the following criteria:

a) Anadvanced understanding of sustainability and its relevance for their researchand/or work;

b)Demonstrated leadership ability to work in a team environment and contribute tosustainable development activities;

c)High level of understanding of written and spoken English.

d)Mid-to-senior government and institutional policy makers, non-governmental organizationmanagers and leaders, business professionals, entrepreneurs and experiencedjournalists are preferred.

e)Minimum work experience of 5 years is preferred.

Applications: Applications are open for those affiliated with government agencies,international organizations, NGOs as well as the private sector from across theAsia-Pacific region. Applicants should possess with demonstrated leadershippotential, and prior experience on sustainability and/or development issues.

ApplicationMaterials: In addition to the completed application form, the followingsupplementary documents should be submitted:

a)Updated Résumé/Curriculum Vitae, highlighting the educational qualifications, Englishlanguage capacity and work experience, especially in the field of environment andsustainable development.

b)Letter of Recommendation: One Letter of Recommendation from either an academicor professionalreferee who can testify the applicant’s strengths and experiences, relevant toenvironment and sustainable development.


Please download the attachments for more information: 

 Open call and applicationguidelines for 2016 Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme (APLP)

 Application form for 2016Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme (APLP)


Ms.Sun Jie, Program Manager

UNEP-TongjiInstitute of Environment for Sustainable Development Office: +86-21-6598 3498Fax: +86-21-6598 7790


Address:Rm903, Zonghe Building, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, 200092