Briefings on Masters Programs of Bard College


      Time: 12:30am on Monday,September 12th

      Place:114,College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Tongji University

  Dr.Eban Goodstein is Director of Graduate Programs in Sustainable Development atBard College, in New York, USA.  Goodstein is an economist, and author ofnumerous journal articles and three books, including The Trade-off Myth: Factand Fiction about Jobs and the the Environment, and a college textbookEconomics and the Environment, now in its eighth edition. The graduate programsthat Goodstein directs include MS degrees in Environmental Policy and ClimateScience and Policy; an MBA in Sustainability; and an M Ed. in EnvironmentalEducation. 

   BardCollege, founded in 1860, is a prestigious liberal arts college located 120kilometers north of New York City on the Hudson River.  Bard offers 15graduate degrees which draw upon the expertise of select core faculty andrenowned visiting scholars, artists, and specialists to create a dynamic,rigorous learning environment.