LECTURES: Integrated Environmental Assessment

COURSE: EnvironmentalSystem and SD

Topic: Integrated Environmental Assessment


Marion Cheatle, former Branch Chief, Deputy Director and Acting Directorof the Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA), United NationsEnvironment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenya

 Date: 28th Feb. - 7th March, 2017

 Venue: Rm 902, Zonghe Building, Siping Campus, TongjiUniversity

 ·       15:30-17:00   Tuesday  28th Feb.

·        10:20-12:00  Thursday  2nd March

·        2sessions (time to be decided)  Friday  3rd March

·        2sessions  Saturday  4th March

·        2sessions  Sunday   5th March

·        Exam8.00 - 9.40   Tuesday   7th March


Teaching Plan

PART I. What is IEA?

Whydo assessments?

Essentialattributes of assessment

IEAwithin the environmental assessment landscape

Keyquestions addressed by IEA

Workingat the science-policy interface

 PART 2. UNEP’sapproach to IEA

Evolutionof the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) – 1995 to 2016

Processcharacteristics and production cycles

Products- global to local

 PART 3. An IEAfrom start to finish

Thesix stages of an IEA process

 PART 4. A closerlook at the IEA analytical framework

Drivers/Pressures/State/Impacts/Responses- components of an integrated analysis

Therole of assessment in the policy cycle

 PART 5.Environmental monitoring, data and indicators

Gaininginformation about conditions and trends

Datatypes, sources and shortcomings



 PART 6. The ‘O’in GEO

Usingscenarios and modeling to explore possible futures

 PART 7. The International Assessment Landscape: Howwell are we doing?

A national/global overview

Achieving the essential attributes of assessment

Remaining challenges

 PART 8. Lessons from the past; Looking to the future

GEOoutcomes and impacts

Opportunitiesfor future assessments

Onthe road to GEO-6