Agenda 2030 and the Assessment of Sustainable Development Goals

Topic: Agenda 2030 and the Assessment of Sustainable Development Goals: Issues, Methods and an Application Example

Speaker:   Prof. Carlo Giupponi

Dean of the Venice International University

Time:       2 pm to 3pm, 16th June (Friday), 2017

Venue:      Rm 902 Zonghe Building


About the speaker:

Carlo Giupponi works at the Department of Economics and the Venice Centre for Climate Studies of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where he teaches classes on environmental economics, natural resources management and spatial data analysis.

He is currently Dean of the Venice International University.

He is also Co-Chair of the Core Group on “SDGs Assessment” of the Sustainable Water Future Program, an initiative of Planet Earth.

His research activity focuses on sustainability science and global change, spatial analysis, valuation methods, integrated assessment and management of natural resources (water in particular), with focus on socio-ecosystem dynamics.