A Virtual Celebration for World Environment Day 2020
Alumni Reunion

Greetings from IESD Office! We want to extend our warmest regards in this unprecedented time, and hope you and your loved ones are doing well. In the year of 2020, we will ramp up alumni activities, including Annual Alumni Online Reunionto help us keep in touch with you.

We are happy to inform you that up to 2020, a total of 525 students enrolled in IESD’s degree programmes and 400 graduated and started their career in UN agencies, international organizations, private companies and private sectors. Meanwhile, more than 3000 emerging leaders from all over the world who participated in various capacity building programmes and events organized by IESD, are now playing important leadership roles on different positions.

IESD is committed to fostering a supportive and loving environment by providing aninteractive platform, which will help our students build network and expand career opportunities. In this regard, we invite you to update your contact information byscanning the QR code below and filling in the survey. IESD would prepare a souvenir for your reply.

On the occasion of the 113th Anniversary of Tongji University and the World Environment Day, IESD plans to host an online reunion and we will come back to you with more details in the coming few days. Please get involved and stay in touch!

Contacts and info:

Shuzhi Hou (For Domestic Alumni)

Wenjing Gu (For International Alumni)