Lectures times & venues
Time: 13th April 2023 (Thursday) 19:00-20:35
Venue: Staircase 4, Rui'an Building, Siping Campus
Topic: Public Policy and Sustainable Development
Presenter: Sheng Fulai
1. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Geneva, Switzerland (March 2005-present)
Economy Diviaion
Head, Economic and Trade Policy Unit
Designed and implemented the UNEP-led Green Economy Initiative (GEI) and coordimnated the publication of the UNEP Green Economy Report (Nov 2011) involving over 80 research institutes worldwide. Coordinated 40 UN agencies including the World Bank, IMF and WTO and produced an interagency report on green economy (Dec 2011). Led UNEP’s support to China on green economy research. Developed an integrated approach to policymaking for sustainable development. Managed country projects on integrated policy assessment. Developed an internagtional programme on scaling up payments for ecosystem services and participated in a related taskforce of the China Council. Led UNEP’s technical support to China’s efforts on green accounting including the measurement of Environmental Goods and Services. Provided technical support to joint UNEP-UNCTAD activities on trade and the environment, economic incentives for implementing multilateral environmental agreements, and capacity building in developing countries. Managed research and country projects under the UN inter-agency Partnership for Action on Green Economy. Established a Sustainable Infrastructure Partnership and guided the production of international good practice principles for sustainbale infrastructure.
2. Conservation International (CI), Washington, DC, USA (August 2000 – March 2005)
Senior Director
Directed the development of a computer-based model to compare large-scale public investments across space and sectors. Worked with the Provincial Government of Papua, Indonesia to establish a Papua Forum for Conservation and Development. Guided a Rapid Assessment of Conservation and Economy in Papua. Evaluated the World Bank-supported forestry policy reforms in Indonesia. Supervised a study on the impacts of the Chinese Natural Forest Protection Program and Cropland to Forest Program. Advised on the socioeconomic components of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund’s ecosystem profile for the Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot. Designed and conducted resource economics training for CI field economists.
3. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) US, Washington, DC, USA (July 1996 – August 2000)
Head, Conservation Economics, Macroeconomics Program Office
Managed a training program on Macroeconomics, Poverty, and the Environment. Conducted training sessions for staff of the WWF Network, bilateral aid agencies, and United Nations. Represented WWF internationally on issues related to environmental and natural resource accounting. Developed conceptual frameworks on Poverty and the Environment, Globalization and the Environment, Public Environmental Expenditures, and Policy Applications of Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting.
4. World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) International, Gland, Switzerland (February 1992 - June 1996)
Economist, Sustainable Development Programme
Developed a WWF policy framework on sustainable development and sustainable use of natural resources. Supervised WWF research projects on commercial and consumptive use of wildlife and on eco-tourism. Researched on the process and approaches of incorporating environmental values into the United Nations System of National Accounts. Initiated a global action programme of integrated environmental and economic accounting leading to the UN publication of an operational manual for such accounting.
5. The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA (November 1986-July 1990)
Chinese Executive Director's Assistant
Developed policy positions for the Chinese government on the World Bank Group's capital replenishment, annual budget, country assistance strategies, development projects, and financial investment proposals. Researched on the debt problem, transfer of financial resources to developing countries, privatization, and structural adjustment programs.
6. Ministry of Finance, Beijing, China (August 1985-November 1986)
Officer, Department of External Finance
Advised Ministerial leaders on the debt problem, capital flows, foreign direct investments, global economic growth prospects, World Bank policies and operations, and China-US trade relations. Carried out cost-benefit analyses of World Bank funded development projects. Pioneered in the research on how China could raise funds from world capital markets.
1. Certificate in Environmental Economics for Development Policy Course, 1998
Economic Development Institute, World Bank, Washington, D.C.
2. Certificate in Environmental Economics and Policy, 1997
Harvard Institute for International Development, Cambridge, MA
3. Graduate Certificate in Applied Economics, 1990
The American University, Washington, D.C.
Courses: Cost/Benefit Analysis, Project Cycle, Development Banking, International Capital Markets, Price Theory, Income Theory, Econometrics.
4. M.A. in Economics, 1985
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai
Courses: Economics, Economic Statistics, Money and Banking, Accounting,
International Finance, International Settlement, International Trade, International
Marketing, International Economic Law.
5. B.A. in English Literature, December 1982
East China Normal University, Shanghai
On Environment and Nature Conservation
Green Economy: Theory, Methods and Cases from the United Nations Perspective (in Chinese), co-eds. D.Zhu, China Publishing House of Finance and Economics, 2015.
Measuring Progress towards an Inclusive Green Economy, co-author, United Nations Environment Programme, December 2012.
“Driving growth with new engines”, in Grwoth in Transition, eds. F. Hinterberger et al, Earthscan, London and New York, 2012.
Working towards a balanced and inclusive green economy, (contributor and overall coordinator), United Nations Environment Management Group, Geneva, December 2011.
Towards a green economy: Pathways to sustainable development and poverty eradication, (contributor and overall coordinator), UNEP, Nairobi, November 2011.
“Green march to the other side of the economic fence”, China Daily, 9 October 2009.
Integrated Policymaking for Sustainable Development: A Reference Manual (co-authored with Scott Fritzen, Michael Howlett, M.Ramesh, and Wu Xun), United Nations Environment Programme, 2009.
Sustainable Trade and Poverty Reduction: A new approach to policymaking (a synthesis report), United Nations Environment Programme, 2006.
Comparative Assessment of Development Options, Conservation International, Washington, DC, 2004.
“Policy Application”, Chapter V in Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting: An Operational Manual, United Nations, New York, USA, 2000.
“Alternative Green Accounting Methodologies”, co-authored with Sandrine Simon, in Greening the Accounts, ed. Sandrine Simon and John Proops, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA, 2000.
“Wants, Needs, and Rights – Economic Instruments for Biodiversity Conservation – A Dialogue”, World Wildlife Fund, Washington, DC, USA, May 2000.
“A Cold Look at the Hot Issue of Energy”, in ECODECISION, Canada, Autumn 1997.
“The Unrealized Potential of Green Accounting”, in ECODECISION, Canada, Spring 1997.
“Economics and the Environment”, in ENVIRONMENT, Washington, DC, Vol. 39, No. 1, January/February 1997.
Real Value for Nature: An Overview of Global Efforts to Achieve True Measures of Economic Progress, WWF International, Switzerland, 1995.
"Strengthening International Coordination (in the Environmental Adjustment of the System of National Accounts)", in Taking Nature into Account, ed. Woulter van Dieren, Copernicus, New York, USA, 1995.
"National Economic Indicators and Sustainable Development", in A Sustainable World, ed. Thaddeus C. Trzyna, Earthscan, London, UK, 1995.
Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: Concepts, Issues, and Criteria, a WWF International Position Paper (anonymous), WWF International, Switzerland, August 1993.
"Integrating Economic Development with Conservation", in Rebuilding Communities, ed. Vithal Rajan, Green Books Ltd, Devon, UK, 1993.
On International Finance
"On International Liquidity," in Finance, Vol. 253, Beijing, August 8, 1986.
"A Positive Step by the World Bank - The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency," in Economic Daily, Beijing, December 21, 1985.
"Issues Meriting Attention in Raising Funds from the International Bond Markets," in Study of Finance and Economics, Vol. 48, Shanghai, October 18, 1985.
"The Necessity of Raising Foreign Capital from the International Bond Markets," in Banking and Enterprises, Vol. 46, Hubei, China, June 1985.
"Feasibility Study of Raising Funds from the Swiss Franc Bond Markets," in Foreign Economies and Management, Vol. 78, Shanghai, June 1985.
"A Proposal for Issuing Eurobonds," in World Economic Herald, Shanghai, March 25, 1985.