Sustainable Development and the Future Lecture Series VIII Yu Peng: Geophysics and Resource and Environmental Sustainability

Lecture time & venue:



Time: April 20, 2023 (Thursday) 19:00-20:35

Venue: Staircase 4, Rui'an Building, Siping Campus

Topic: Geophysics and Sustainable Development of Resources and Environment

Presenter: Yu Peng

Educational Background


1987.09-1992.07, Tongji University, B.S. in Exploration Geophysics


1994.09-1996.04, Tongji University, Master's degree in Solid State Geophysics


1996.04-1999.10, Tongji University, Marine Geology, PhD Candidate


Research interests


Theory and methods of integrated geophysical research


Research on key geophysical methods and techniques for solving complex geological problems, including response mechanisms and characteristics of rock physical and geo-physical models, 2D and 3D forward and 3D inversion of heavy magneto-electric seismic, joint inversion of heavy magneto-electric seismic, mining and integrated quantitative interpretation and evaluation techniques of multi-geophysical parameter information;


Geotectonic and integrated geophysical studies of the terrestrial area and the China Sea and the western Pacific Ocean, integrated geophysical exploration techniques and geological interpretation of pre-Cenozoic basins on land and sea, key geophysical techniques for ultra-deep and ultra-deep water, integrated geophysical studies of deep structures such as the lithosphere, etc;


Research on new geophysical observation tools and new methodological techniques, including numerical simulation and inversion imaging of marine geomagnetic, marine electromagnetic environment, etc.


Scientific research projects


1. 3D combined inversion of heavy magnetoelectricity based on a novel regional cosine similarity coupling combined with seismic (Grant No. 41774123), 2018.1-2021.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Leader


2. 3D combined magnetoelectric inversion with novel structural coupling (No. 2016YFC0601104), 2016.10-2020, National Key R&D Program of the 13th Five-Year Plan, Research on Ultra-deep Heavy Magnetoelectric Seismic Exploration Technology, Second Level Project. Leader


3. Research on heavy magnetoelectric processing and comprehensive interpretation technology (No. 2016ZX05004-003), 2016-2020, Key technology research on geophysical exploration of the Lower Paleozoic-Precambrian, National Science and Technology Major Project of the 13th Five-Year Plan Project leader