GEO-6 for Youth | 拯救地球的青年力量 | 2月19日

The launch of the Geo-6 for Youth Report will take place on 19 February 2021 at 9.30pm(1.30 pm UTC/ 2.30 pm CET/ 8.30 am EST.) The GEO-6 for Youth is UNEP’s first full interactive

e-publication that provides engaging multimedia content and interactive features to inform, engage and lead to youth action. This landmark report represents an opportunity for UNEP to link the scientific efforts of the organization to youth, who have a crucial role in decision-making, entrepreneurship, and bringing about transformative change.

The event will cover the three main areas :

(1) Communicating science to the Youth

(2) Sustainable actions/activism

(3) Green jobs of the future and the skills to access these opportunities, while taking in consideration the challenges young people are facing with the COVID-19 pandemic

See the full details of the launch & the panelists

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