IESD student, Qing XIA, has just finished her internship in headquater of UNEP in Nairobi. During her intern, she helped
facilitate the work in the UN as well as the cooperation between China and Africa. She successfully helped organize the
Global University Partnership for Environmental and Sustainability (GUPES) meeting, 1819 November, 2010 and The
Mainstreaming of Environment and Sustainability in African Universities (MESA) Partnership and UNEPTongji Institute of
Environment and Sustainable Development (IESD) Consultative Meeting, 17 November,2010. Also, she assisted Thomas
Chiramba in organizing a workshop on the World Water Day Publication Review Workshop, 17-18 Feburary,2011. Meanwhile
she helped arrange the cooperation between UNEP, Tongji University, GRID Arendal, and other GUPES member universities
on the World Water Day .
The attachment is her UNEP Internship Reprt: