Executive Summer School on Global Environmental Policy

 Executive Summer School on Global Environmental Policy will be organised by the University of Geneva from 2nd to 14th September 2012. The Executive Summer School provides a unique opportunity for participants from both the public and the private sectors to enlarge their competences in order to address complex environmental issues in the context of the unique International Geneva Setting. Beyond enlarging the knowledge base of each participant, the modules of this transdisciplinary programme bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and concrete decision-making, problem-solving and negotiation skills.

The GEPP Executive Summer School aims to bring together no more than 30 selected participants with diverse origins and professional backgrounds, including decision makers from the public and private sectors, and non-governmental organizations.



     Sustainable development: challenges, opportunities and initiatives

     Principles o f a green economy

     Ethical dimensions of public policies

     Major stakes and issues of the global environmental policy

     Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary contributions

     Environmental diplomacy and negotiation


Learning Methods

     Lectures, debates and debriefings

     Interactive seminars

     Case study analysis

     Negotiation techniques

     Simulation gaming techniques

     Access to e-learning tools


Admission Criteria

     A Master or Bachelor Degree recognised by the University of Geneva, or a relevant professional experience in the field

     Fluency in written and spoken English is essential

The number of participants is limited to 30. Candidates will be informed by e-letter accordingly round 30th June 2012.


Tuition fee

     CHF 6,800 - (accommodation and meals not included )

     A limited number of scholarships may be available to meet the costs of half of the tuition fee for participants from certain countries.

     A preferential accommodation rate has been negotiated by GEPP for ESS participants.

Application before 30th June 2012

     Online Registration: w w w.unige .ch/GEPP/registration or

     Registration form to be downloaded:


For more information, please find the attachment :

