Students are now welcome for registration to the firstSustainable Development Practice Education program co-organized by TongjiUniversity and Columbia University.
Sustainable Development Practice Education was firstlaunched by Columbia University in 2007. Currently there are 35 topuniversities have membership of the International Commission on Education for SustainableDevelopment Practice Global Association include Columbia University, SciencesPo, Trinity University, Emory University and Florida University. TongjiUniversity joined the Association in January 2014, and is now launching the Masters’of Development Practice program in September 2014.
International Commission on Education for SustainableDevelopment Practice Global Association aims at promoting global sustainabledevelopment, and has been working on the post-2015 sustainable developmentagenda with UNDP, UNESCO and UNEP, etc. Meanwhile the commission is implementingTheatrical Training with Practical Training program to train future sustainabledevelopment practitioners though the partnerships with multiple NGOs and InternationalCorporations.
This Sustainable Development Practice Education Program aimsto give participants a professional training with theoretical education. We’ll arrangea five-month curriculum with the combination of basic training in TongjiUniversity and Columbia University, dialogues with the experts frominternational companies and NGOs, site visits and project/internship report.
The first section, basic training, starts from 1st May, and we’ll give theoretical education on sustainable development, which lasts12 weeks, 24 sessions in total. It includes dialogues with experts frominternational companies and NGOs and field trips to the companies headquartersin Shanghai.
The second section is the training in Columbia University fromAugust 5 to August 12, 2014. The participants will have two day intensivetraining in Colombia University and will visit the Head Quarter of UN. Participantswill meet experts from international companies and NGOs in New York. Participantswill have the opportunity to have the chance to talk to officers from UNEP,UNESCO and UNCIEF. Participants will also visit various internationalorganizations in Washington D.C. and have conversation with experts in WorldBank, The Nature Conservancy and World Resource Institute.
Participants will also have the chance to have face-to-facecommunication with students from Columbia University and share the studyingexperiences. We will also invite admission officers from Columbia University togive introduction of how to apply for the study in Columbia University.
The third section, Project Report /Internship, requires theparticipants to either hand in a ten-page English report on introducing aselected subject on sustainable development or take part in a three-monthinternship in with an international company or a NGO. Participants who meet ourrequirement will be jointly awarded a certificate by Tongji University and ColombiaUniversity.
For more detail schedule and more information, please check the attachment.
If you are interested, please send your application to:
Project Manager: Qing XIA
Telephone: 021-65983146
Mobile: 13636382050